The Last Minute Match Up

Meeting at an Open House


The holidays are generally a time when people throw parties for friends and relatives, and they often have few restrictions on who is invited. They see it as an opportunity to share good times with old friends, family and even strangers. If a friend or family member asks to bring someone, they are welcomed with open arms. No one at this type of party has the idea of matching up people, but it does sometimes occur.

The atmosphere of an open house during any holiday tends to be informal, and it is relatively easy to meet new people without awkwardness. Finding someone compatible is not a goal, so single people have a chance to just relax. They can talk to anyone present, so there are no social barriers to overcome. If the other person is also single, there is no push to meet further or go on a date.

Relaxed environments such as this have often produced unexpected results, and there are many stories about couples who have met this way. They might mention they never thought they’d meet someone for a relationship, and they will sometimes talk about all the matches made by others that did not work out. They are proud of the fact they managed to meet, begin dating and form a relationship without the intervention of friends and family.

Open house parties, large and informal, do not encourage people to make plans to introduce singles for dating purposes. They are a celebration, and attendees understand they should keep it as relaxed as possible. People who meet at them have no obligation to find a date, and this lack of pressure is one of the reassurances that will help them be open to meeting others. If they do find a relationship from a holiday party, it is a stroke of luck that might last a lifetime.